Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher Level C1 / Speaking

Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher Level C1 / Speaking

What’s in the Speaking paper?

The C1 Business Higher Speaking test has three parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners (the interlocutor) conducts the test and the other examiner (the assessor) listens to what you say and takes notes.

Time allowed: 16 minutes per pair of candidates
Number of parts: 3
Marks: 25% of total
You have to talk: with the examiner
with the other candidate
on your own

Part 1 (Interview)
What's in Part 1? Conversation with the interlocutor. The interlocutor asks you questions on a number of personal or work-related subjects.
What do I have to practise? Giving personal information and expressing opinions.
How long do we have to speak? About 3 minutes

Part 2 (Long turn)
What's in Part 2? A 'mini-presentation' on a business theme. The examiner gives you a choice of three topics (A, B or C). You have 1 minute to prepare to give a speech lasting approximately 1 minute. Listen carefully when your partner speaks as you have to ask a question when they have finished.
What do I have to practise? Talking on your own about something: giving information, and expressing and justifying opinions.
How long do we have to speak?

About 6 minutes

Part 3 (Collaborative task)
What's in Part 3? A discussion with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a business-related situation with two discussion points to talk about. You have to talk to the other candidate about the situation and decide together what to do. The examiner will then extend the discussion.
What do I have to practise? Turn-taking, negotiating, collaborating, exchanging information, expressing and justifying opinions, speculating, comparing and contrasting, agreeing and/or disagreeing, etc.
How long do we have to speak? About 7 minutes